As a creator, can I retain the right to use the NFTs for my own commercial purposes and still grant commercial rights to the NFT owner?

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  • Italy
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  • Canada
  • Poland


Yes. In line with the answer to the previous question, it is possible that the author retains the right
to use the artwork embedded in an NFT for her own commercial purposes while, at the same time,
granting a license (therefore non-exclusive) for commercial rights to the owner of the NFT.

Riccardo Traina Chiarini

Intellectual Property


Yes. See above answer which also applies to commercial rights.

Laetitia Nicolazzi

Intellectual Property


Yes, it is possible, there are no exclusivity restrictions for the commercial use of works linked to NFTs.

Fabio Cendão

Intellectual Property and Innovation


Yes, this is possible. Multiple people can have commercial rights (licenses) on an artwork at the
same time. You can grant commercial rights to the owner of the NFT and still retain commercial
rights on such artwork.

Bianca Lessard

Web 3, Intellectual Property


It is possible. Everything depends on the specific terms of the contract between the party. However,
an additional contract may be needed.

Filip Szydłowski


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